Redcliff Guest House

Bed and Breakfast in Weymouth

Phone Number: 01305 784682

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The Old Harbour

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  • Admin
  • Tags:
  • Pet friendly Hotels in Weymouth, The Old Harbour
  • Posted date:
  • 21-10-2015
The Old Harbour

The Old Harbour

Weymouth's historic Old Harbour is a great place to go for an evening meal. As you sit outside one of the many great restaurants around the harbour you will be able to watch the boats come home for the evening.

There are many signs of the amazing history of the harbour that can still be seen today. So taking a walk around the harbour while you are there means you are sure to find something interesting.

In 1865 the Harbour Tramway opened. It was used to transport goods from the harbour to the railway. It was in use all the way up to the 1980s. At that time it was used to transport people from the railway station to the waiting ferries. These days the Tramway is only used on special occasions but is a wonderful reminder of the past.

Pet friendly Hotels in Weymouth

Our Bed and Breakfast in Weymouth offers the perfect location for visiting the local attractions including The Old Harbour.

There are many seafaring tales that have come out the harbour over the years. Most of them have been enhanced with every telling but there is one that is based more on fact than fiction.

The Black Death spread through the country like wildfire in 1348. It came into England via Melcombe Regis and was carried by a European sailor.

Instead of Black Death the only thing you are likely to catch here now is a touch of sun burn. As you will enjoy sitting outside one of the many cafés, restaurants and pubs around the harbour. They are great places to watch all of the interesting goings on throughout the day.

If you are looking for a place to relax with a glass of wine in a beautiful setting during your time in Weymouth then the Old Harbour is the perfect place.