Redcliff Guest House

Bed and Breakfast in Weymouth

Phone Number: 01305 784682

Mobile Number: (+44)07834826055

Staying in Weymouth - Weymouth Sea Life Park

A place to visit for hours of fun and interesting view of creatures of the deep is of course the Sea Life Centre, it has been a popular destination in Weymouth for many years and continues to be, thanks to a great variety of fish and other sea creatures and so much more to do.

Immerse yourself into an underworld which contains over 1000 incredible sea creatures, including sharks, turtles, rays of many kinds and as many fish as you can name. The Sea Life Centre also contains some fantastic rides and attractions.

The attractions include taking a look at the fearsome Cayman Crocs and then you can jump on the log flume and escape from Crocodile Creek. There is also a turtle sanctuary as well as many other sanctuary's that may well inspire you to help our oceans creatures.

Bed and Breakfast in Weymouth

There is also the amazing Ocean Tunnel, take a trip under the waves and see the sharks, rays, fish and turtles swimming over the top of you, the tunnel offers an 180 degree view of the colourful coral and fish and it is sure to be awe-inspiring for anyone who visits.

There is a lot to do at the Sea Life Centre and there is also a café to take a break and have spot of lunch as well as the wonderful tower that you can view the entire park from, it offers a 360 degree view and you can also look out at the amazing view of Weymouth as well as the Jurassic Coastline.

The Sea Life Centre is a great place to visit for the whole family and is sure to tire out children of all ages, for any more information regarding the Sea Life Centre, please feel free to get in touch.

If you are planning a visit to Weymouth, we offer fantastic local accommodation for short or long stays. Follow the link below to find out more about our welcoming Weymouth bed and breakfast hotel.

Please call 01305 784682 for further information about booking a room.