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Bincombe Geocache Trail

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  • Posted date:
  • 28-05-2018
Bincombe Geocache Trail

Bincombe Geocache Trail

Hosted by Bincombe Valley Primary School, and led by the Dorset Youth Association with the support of Artsreach and Aster Group, the ‘Bincombe Geocache Trail' has been developed by children aged 8-9 to tell some of the ancient stories that surround this fascinating landscape.

Alongside a leaflet, the trail has been made available online to the wider world through the Geocaching platform, meaning anyone who has a phone or a Geocache device can begin their search for the boxes that have been hidden across the stretch of land.

So what are you waiting for; download the geocache leaflet and begin your outdoor adventure on the South Dorset Ridgeway!

Download Geocache leaflet