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The Friends of Greenhill Gardens

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  • Admin
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  • Posted date:
  • 26-06-2018

Welcome to The Friends of Greenhill Gardens

EVENTS FOR 2018 -- EVENTS FOR 2018All Events are held in Greenhill Gardens and start at 2pm except the Summer Fayre on 12 August which starts at 11am The Events are outside and are weather dependent Sunday 10th June    The Silhouettes (A FOGG Event)A really talented Group with fantastic 60's 70's and 80's musicSunday 17th June    The Decadettes (A FOGG Event)Great songs from these amazing singers Sunday 24th June     â€‹The Fantastic Quangle Wangle Choir(A FOGG Event)Sunday 1 JulyOmega Project Band​A ten piece Band playing a variety of music  Sunday 8th July   Weymouth Ukuleleans â€‹More Fun and Laughter from this Great Collection of Ukuleleans(A FOGG Event)Sunday 15th July     The Silhouettes (A WELDMAR HOSPICE Event)​A delicious afternoon of music that you will know so so well!!Sunday 22nd July    â€‹Singer Tony Lowe (A WELDMAR HOSPICE Event)A great afternoon of wonderful songsSunday 29th July     The Quangle Wangle ChoirA great selection of songs form this fantastic Choir(A FOGG event)​Sunday 5th August      Singer Tony Lowe (A Tony Lowe and Terras Youth Team Event)A truly fantastic afternoon of songs from Frank Sinatra impersonator (Will he sing "My Way!!!! --- Of course he will!!)Sunday 12th Aug     11am to 4pmTHE SIZZLING FOGG SUMMER FAYRE11am - 12.30pm -- Entertainment to be announced12.30pm to 1pm - pupils from Twirl Academy will be performing in the